Welcome back! This is our second street style interview conducted by Bee!
*Voice one begins to speak with an light New York accent*
*Voice two soon follows with a native accent*
V1: So — can you tell us your name and where you’re from?
V2: Uh, it’s Emmie, I usually go by Em! Just hating the name, honestly.
V2: Aaand, I’m from here, LS.
V1: Andd, can you tell us a bit more about your outfit, how much it costs and where everything is from?
*Voice two takes a short pause in answering*
V2: Well, there’s nothing that — woah — of this outfit really. Buut — it costs around a few hundreds.
V2: I don’t tend to spend a lot on clothes, that’s surely.
V1: Where is it from?
V2: Oh, shorts are just Denim, nothing too expensive.
V1: What is your favorite brand?
V2: Wellp, I’d say for clothing — can do Prada, Channel.
V1: How about jewelry?
V2: There’s a few jewels around, good shops. I do them local.
V1: Any specific area?
V2: Very handy at times, there’s one — on — let me remember the area.
V2: Uhh — Rockford Hills, a friend works it.
V2: Forgot the name, haha.
V1: No worries!
V1: Would you say you have some sort of style inspiration, if so, from who?
V2: I look for trends in clothing, vibes mostly. And people around, there’s lots of good outfits in LS.
V1: Is there a specific person that inspires you in this city?
V2: Depends, I don’t really follow anyone specific for this.
V1: Got you, got you.
V2: But I will follow your blogs! Seems fun and professional.
V1: Lastly before we do a posed picture for the blog. What is something you /must/ have in your wardrobe?
V2: Sport wear, it’s a cliche, but I love sports wear. Makes me feel comfy and — easy to go out?
V2: I hate taking forever to dress up, sometimes, helps out.
V1: I see — thank you for your time Emmie. Can you pose so we can take a pic for the blog please!
V2: Awesome, I’ll be sure to check the material out sometime.
**A short clip would be posted of the girls taking photos of Em and her posing.**

V1: Tune in with us for our next post! See you guys next time!