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Our current favorite shows and what we thought of them! [SPOILERS]

Writer: MimiMimi

**A transcript and audio version would be published**

**Bee would speak in a light New York accent.**

**Mimi would have a soft toned voice with a audible Japanese Accent.**

SPOILERS AHEAD for ''The Marked Heart'', ''Never Have I Ever'' and ''Fake Profile''

Mimi: Hi guys! It's Bee and Mimi here! We have a little collab for you guys about a few shows that we've binged together! This will be a long one so buckle in and get your popcorn.

The Marked Heart

Mimi: The first show we're gonna discuss is a Spanish one called ''The Marked Heart''! As per google the plot is ''Simon's wife is murdered in order to remove her heart and transplant it into the wife of a powerful millionaire. Seeking revenge, Simon throws himself into the dangerous world of organ trafficking.'' This one emotional rollercoaster.

Bee: Prepare some tissue too, and make sure to watch with no makeup on because I fucking cried. Prepare to get a mix of emotions too.. one minute you're crying the next you're mad I was on the edge of my fucking seat. seriously insane!!

Mimi: So, we're gonna get into a few questions about the show. To start, the question we obviously have to answer is ''What would we have done in Zacarias' position?'' It's like an impossible choice, right?

*Mimi would let out a soft sigh at the question*

Bee: Ugh, this is like an impossible decision. Because like? I can see where he's coming from but /I/ can also see where Camila is coming from y'know? Like, Zacarias was willing to do anything for love, even it it meant he had to become a murderer where as Camila didn't know he had taken that step and would have never imagined him doing that. Honestly though? I would've done the same if I was REALLY in love with this person if it meant I could spend more time with them. I'd hate losing them just because the list was too fucking long. Ugh, I know it's morally correct, but at the end? You gotta do what you gotta do really.

Mimi: I feel the same way, I'm also thinking about what if it were my mom or my dad? I'm not in a relationship so I have a hard time imagining myself going so far for someone I'm in a relationship with, but my family is so important to me. I don't know if I could deal with losing my mom or dad to something preventable like this. But also - the way they show you the photos of the people, and you get information about them....that's tough. So, let's say you went along with it. What would be your criteria for picking a person? Female? Male? No kids? Young? Old? Because, I don't exactly understand how Zacarias came to the conclusion to pick Valeria, and I wish we saw more of that internal battle, it would've been interesting to see the thought process or if it was more of a random decision because he didn't want to face the music.

Bee: That's a good question, actually. I read somewhere that when you get a heart transplant, you get somewhat like the "same emotions" and shit like the person who's had the heart, y'know? But to be fucking honest, it's really no different, whether one had kids or one was single. Because a single person can have no kids but rather a lot of friend, the married with kids could have like /no/ friends but just her kids which are as important. This is actually rather tough. Though I would say if it were for my mom, I'd go with a person around her age but the heart would have to be healthy y'know? And if it were a man, I'd say the same really, a healthy heart. Me personally? I think I'd look at how healthy the heart is before looking for a conclusion about choosing a person, you feel me? But yeah, I agree about getting more scenes of him deciding on the heart and why he chose it. How about you? How would you choose the heart?

Mimi: I really gave us a loaded question, huh? Hm. Damn. You're right, even if someone didn't have kids they could be a loved person in other ways. I think I'd ideally maybe try to find someone who possibly wasn't from the country, if they had that option. They would be hopefully less likely to have a lot of relationships, but you never know still. It's all fucked up.

My next question is - Do you think ''Zacarias should've told Camila about the heart?'' Would you tell your loved one that you did the unthinkable?

*Mimi would clear her throat before Bee begins to speak*

Bee: You're right about someone not being for the country yeah, maybe, but it is afterall all fucked up at the end. - To be honest? I really think it depends on the person. You can tell Zacarias did it out of love without "realizing" his actions you can say. ((Bee pauses for a second before taking a deep breath and exhaling)) But, if I was in Camila's position I would have wanted to know where a heart came for myself over night, so I'll go with yes. I'll sit my loved one down for any drink they want and go ahead and tell them what I did and why I did it. Y'feel me? How about you Mimi? Would you tell your loved one that you did the unthinkable?

Mimi: I don't know if I would want to know. I don't think I could live with myself, and there's almost nothing you can do to feel better about it. You're living with a heart that has been stolen from a living, breathing un-consenting and healthy person. That's...too much. I would not tell my loved one, I also don't think it would be healthy for the person who has the heart? Remember when Camila passed out and stuff, stress isn't good for people who underwent these procedures and this is a BEYOND stressful situation. As we know - Zacarias isn't all good and just a man wanting to help his wife. Let's talk about the bad he's done too...the cheating, ruining a perfectly healthy teenage girl's, Simon's daughter's heart just so Simon can feel his pain of making the decision. What do you think about all of that? How can you cheat on someone but still be so willing to do something like this, its a confusing situation for me, and...paying the doctor off was beyond evil, I thought he was totally bullshitting at first...but he actually did it to a innocent person.

Bee: Ugh, you're right! I don't know, I guess it could really depend on how you could go on about it, because like some of us would investigate to see how we got the heart and shit, I know I personally would so I can thank my family. But I definitely agree with you about not being able to live with myself knowing the heart is stolen. Erghh..What Zacarias did is indeed fucked up though, I 100% disagree with what he did with Simon's daughter. I hate how he paid a doctor to give her heart problems just because he wanted to get revenge, that's the thing about heart transplant, you don't really choose who you will love with your new heart. Ugh, also don't forget that they pushed this doctor off the plane after he disagreed on doing this one heart transplant or because the cops got too close, I don't recall what happened exactly because I fucking forgot, since I watched it when it first came out. Can we also talk about how Zacarias hired a woman to befriend Camila just so he can stalk her, ugh that part PISSED me off!! What do you think about it?

Mimi: Oh god, this made me feel so bad for Camila. Imagine - like me and you are super close, right? And you find out that I've been pretending to be your friend so your crazed ex husband can stalk you. That's...dedication. Such a breach of trust and will make you feel like you have no idea on who to trust. What we haven't touched on is Camila and Simon's relationship. Do we think there's an actual connection or that this heart is causing something to ignite between the two? Bee: I don't know, personally I think there's only the heart that's causing the "connection" between them. I would /never/ see Camila with a guy like Simon in my opinion. Maybe he had actual feelings for her but I think she only "had" feelings for him since she found out that the heart belonged to a married woman with kids, so like. I feel like she was attached to him to be the "mom" the kids had lost. What do you think about it? Also what do you think about Zacarias locking Camila in a house and her starting a fucking fire!!

Mimi: Hm, really? I thought they meshed well! They both seem like really caring individuals and like the type of people that I can see getting together in the real world, despite all of this, but I respect that. I am curious about why you think that she wouldn't be with a guy like him though? He was a handsome guy much better looking than Zac- *Mimi would pause* I don't even wanna say his name anymore. And that was CRAZY, but damn, I guess it fucking worked! But that was a risky thing for her to do.

**There would be a slight pause**

Bee: Hm, I agree with you about Simon being hotter than Zacarias. I don't know, I think it just may be the way I see men, I hate how they both look to be really honest. I think even though she did hate Zacarias, she could have had a lot more opportunities, more perks I'd say than with Simon. But I mean of course love will choose its way till the end. And I guess I will forever wonder if it was actually the heart or if they had a true connection. ((Bee pauses once again)) Think we can wrap this up soon, what do you think about Tomas and his friends robbing the bank to pay off for a new heart for Samantha. But also, do you remember how they went on the news about a possible donation for a heart? Then Simon gets like a call from the hospital saying this old dude donated his heart to her to which Zacarias found out about it and made his people dress up as nurses just to stab the guy in the heart just to make sure he's dead.

Mimi: So, correct me if I'm wrong, but the bank heist was ALREADY a plan but Tomas got into it when he learned that Samantha now needed a transplant, right? The price was like $500,000 because Simon turned down the organ traffickers offer, right? GOD. This is just reminding me of how INSANE this show truly was. Damn, it was stupid as hell, but I can't blame Tomas. He really loved Samantha and he saw this as the only option to get that money, which is probably really was at the time. What pissed me off was that the police couldn't piece together that Simon had nothing to do with it, if something had happened to Samantha and he was in the hospital because of Tomas and his friends when he was only trying to stop them I would've turned the show off. Zacarias truly showed his evil-ness then. He messed up her heart and then tried to make Simon only have ONE option, the same as him, because he wanted him to feel what he had to do. Samantha was an innocent young girl who lost her mother the same way, he's truly a villain. I couldn't believe it when that happened, I honestly thought that would be Sam's happy ending.

Bee: Ughh I know right?! Can we please talk about how he fucking hire some cops of whatever to Kill Tomas because he knew too much?! And then when the friend had to make the choice between Tomas or the other dude she killed the wrong kid. Not going to lie, I fucking cried about how she chose to sacrifice one of her friends for Zacarias. What did you think of that part? I personally think it's really fucked up that only because he's in the government that he could do all this shit.

Mimi: Recounting all of this is just making me angrier and angrier. I was SHOCKED at that, I didn't think the other friend would actually die, I thought he'd just end up really hurt. That was really sad, but it filled me with more anger than sadness because of the power Zacarias has, that he does not deserve.

Bee: Dude, I know right?! I got so mad to the point I was like "I HATE EVERYONE NAMED ZACARIAS" ((Bee says it with a higher tone)). But ugh I fucking cried towards the end Mimi, I was /sobbbiinnggggg/, like the way he made a mess in his house, and gave his phone to the chauffeur, filmed himself for Camila. ((Bee takes a small pause, before inhaling and exhaling)) The way he donated his heart to Samantha after he fucked her up and made sure it was the same way he did to Valeria and how they found laying in his bed that in a way looked like he was "sleeping". I broke down right there and then. I don't think I'd personally ever tell Samantha considering she hated him too, but man. That show was a fucking rollercoaster, I cried and felt bad for him. What's your take on the ending?

Mimi: Oh god, the ending BROKE me. I hated that man throughout the show, but at the moment I felt bad for him. I'm not saying he was a saint, but this was an impossible situation that spiraled out of control, and I can see how this can easily spin out of control, and it really did. All that he did was beyond fucked up, but damn, he made up for it at the end. I never thought he would do that, but that guilt must've been eating away at him knowing he did that to such a young girl after doing the same to her mother. If I was Simon, I would NEVER tell Sam who's heart that was. So - overall, what would you rate the show on a scale of 1 to 10 and would you recommend it to others?

Bee: Ugh I know right!? And honestly, I'm rating this show a 100/10, the first episode was a bit boring I'd say, but the plot was /SO FUCKING GOOD/. I would definitely fucking watch it again. And will always and forever recommend this show to people. How about you Mimi?

Mimi: The first episode was a bit of a hard watch, but I'd recommend it and tell people to power through that first one. The plot is original with lots of twists and turns and lovable characters. 10/10 for me. And - on that note, shall we move on to a another fiesty Spanish show ''Fake Profile''!?

Bee: Let’s do it! ((Bee would be heard chuckling lightly.))

**A short musical pause would be in between segments**

Fake Profile

Mimi: These Spanish shows are out of CONTROL. This is another crazy one, but I don't think it can top ''The Marked Heart''. Although it may top it in terms of steamy sex seems, JEEZ. So - per google the plot is.. ''Camila meets her Prince Charming through a dating app; after an idyllic romance, she makes plans to surprise him, only to end up trapped in paradise.'' So, personally, I went into this show not reading the plot, that's how I like to watch a lot of shows, it makes the guessing game funner. Not sure if you do this, but if you did or just if you thought it was gonna go a different way, tell the viewers. Honestly? I thought Camila was gonna be the ''Fake Profile'' at first because she was hiding a massive part of her life at first, her job. But, as we know that was NOT the case.

**Mimi would laugh**

Bee: Mhm, if you're watching this show I do recommend watching it alone for most part or with someone you're comfortable with, definitely NOT your parents though. We gotta try to avoid the awkward moments!! But don't let the sex scenes stop you from watching it, it's worth it! I start shows not knowing what they're about and then get hooked instantly. Like, if you pay attention in the first episode you'd catch along really quickly, but also some shows are obvious on what they're about because of their names! But yeah I totally agree with you Mimi, I thought Camila would be the one with the fake profile.

Mimi: The sex scenes were honestly excessive, but, whatever! MOVING ON. What do we think of ''Fernando'' and Camila's relationship in the beginning? To me? It seemed inauthentic and sex driven based on all the sex scenes, I feel like we rarely saw them do anything that didn't end in sex. Oh - and what are your thoughts on the online dating craze? I must admit, I have a quick date, I rarely use it, but I do have it.

Bee: Okay, I mean the sex scenes were excessive I agree. I think a relationship of just "sex" to me shows how fake it could be, whether it's a long distance one or not. I feel like all the producers showed us were them having sex, I wish they showed us a bit more of what happened besides that. And I don't really have any opinions on the dating apps, I think most people on there are just for quick hookups and all? So if you're looking for a serious relationship, that's not the place for you! Also can we talk about how they FaceTimed each other and were both masturbating and "Fernando" HAD the /audacity/ to film it. Which led to his friend taking his phone and posting it on a porn website after he caught them?! That was fucked up.

Mimi: You know what? I didn't think about it that way, maybe their excessive sex scenes did have a purpose, In showing that it wasn't supposed to be as deep as a connection as depicted by Camila. ''Fernando'' and his friend were fucking creeps. Also, when he was masturbating, remember when he got a knock on his door and hung up? Are we speculating that that was the wife? Let's get back to that post though later. Let's talk about when he was supposed to meet her friends and bailed due to his ''sister''. Before knowing what you know, did you think that was true? Honestly? I sort of believed him.

Bee: I believed him too to be completely honest, it wasn't a part of the show where we knew he was faking the profile specifically. You know what I don't understand though? How he looked /so different/ from his dating profile but Camila didn't catch it. That honestly confused me.

Mimi: Hm, so he took a super far away photo of the real Fernando and posted it so, honestly it could've been anyone from that far away angle. That makes me wonder how long he's been planning this, and I wish we got more insight onto why he went with him. But, we're getting ahead of ourselves. Can we talk about how INSANE it is to so far to meet up with this man as a SURPRISE.

*Mimi would scoff*

Bee: Ugh, I know fucking right?! I would never fucking pay to go to another country just to meet up with a man who's been making excuses to not come and see you. Like, her friends warned her, I don't know why she did not listen to them. And honestly, that cab who picked her up from the airport was somewhat weird in my opinion, don't you think?

Mimi: Like the driver? What did you find weird about it?

Bee: Not sure, he just gave me weird vibes at first. Do you wonder why the actual Fernando let her see him at the clinic though? I personally wouldn't if I don't accept walk-ins.

Mimi: I didn't think it was too weird! If he's the kind of doctor that cares about his patients he probably wanted to just see if he can help in anyway. But - GIRL. What would you have done if you came all the way to another country to find out your man isn't even your man and has a whole different name! Like - what would your reaction had been at that clinic? Personally for me, while watching I thought she under reacted and was stupid. If someone is willing to lie to me about their name I want nothing to do with them, I would go back HOME. That's all I NEED TO KNOW.

Bee: Gurl same, same and same. Especially since they've been talking for 4 fucking months too!? Not even a couple of weeks but ONCE. But you know what I found sweet though? How the driver returned Camila's wallet back to her and how he realized something was up and he decided to actually take action and help her since she's a tourist and such. It's RARE to see that in a man like honestly. When he told her what she was doing was too much? I fucking disagreed girl, I would do the same and worse!!

Mimi: The driver was a sweetie, we Stan. So, if you're listening to this we're gonna assume you've watched this, so let's skip ahead a bit. Her coercing the driver to pretend to be her husband to view a home in the same neighborhood as who we now know is Miguel is kinda...fucking insane!? Like, I get that you're hurt, but what the fuck was she thinking. You don't know his name, so you know NOTHING about him, what if this man was dangerous? She made some really questionable choices and this is when I started to realize that she was kind of fucking crazy.

Bee: Right?! David even tried to stop her, but I don't know what she was thinking by moving in next to him. Can we also talk about how she left the restaurant's opening to go talk to Miguel too? Like?! Why would you do that with his kids in the house. That was kinda fucked up. Also when she lied about being the doctor, ohh myyy goodddd!!!

Mimi: I guess at this point we can put it off to her being hysterical about the situation, I can't judge, I have no clue how I'd truly act in this scenario, but her going into the house where his kids sleep and his WIFE, aren't okay. A sane person would go the fuck home and stay away. The irony of her saying she was a doctor, she was really doing the same thing as him besides lying about her name. She really left me speechless at times and became unlikeable extremely quickly in my opinion. Let's fast forward to where she fucking hooks up with him again, remember at this point the cameras are installed by his own SON. At this point, I WAS YELLING at my screen. Camila really showed the viewers what an idiot she was here.

Bee: OH MY GOD!! ((Bee would say with a high tone)), dude the way her son was watching through the cams he installed?! He was watching them like a fucking creep, I don't know what pissed me off more. The fact she hooked up with or the fact he was watching and self harmed himself as he showed his mom. Cause girl, I'm sorry but if I found my son doing that? Whether my husband is cheating or not, I would've grounded him. That's fucking disgusting, why are you watching your dad hook up with a woman. Y'know what I mean? But let's also talk about how he broke into her house MULTIPLE times to steal random shit. Says a lot about his parents to be honest.

Mimi: That part was...strange. I know his mom was hurt, but Angela should not have encouraged this. That's absolutely disgusting and you're creating a monster by allowing this behavior. I didn't feel bad for him at all when he self harmed to be honest, because yeah, your dad cheating is horrible, but it's equally as bad to set up camera's in a woman's home like that without her consent. Imagine some teenage boy watching your every move and you have NO CLUE. Sickening. Angela is a awful parent for not reporting him to someone or demanding he removes them.

Bee: But okay, all we've done now is blame Miguel for cheating? Can we talk about how his mom, Angela, is not any better?! She's literally paying a twink to fuck her. Like? I get Miguel is a horrible man but we cannot put the blame all on him when she's doing the fucking same. And also, the way he fucks him Angela's brother's marriage too? When I watched that I got so mad, like dude what the /fuck/ is your problem!!! It's not like he was hot anyway?!

**Mimi cracks up**

Mimi: Okay, so it's not just me who doesn't get the appeal of this dude right? How in the hell can this guy fuck Angela, her brother and her brother's fiancé. I need all my listeners to go search ''Inti from Fake Profile'' if you haven't watched and tell us what you think of this dude. Because personally? I'M CONFUSED. Honestly everyone on this show is fucking insane. The dad, Pedro is equally crazy. I get that he wants the best for his kids but to basically enact this plan to fuck their marriages and engagements is not a very fatherly thing to do. This is a man that always has to be in control no matter what. Your kids are ADULTS they can help themselves, allow them to make mistakes.

Bee: Are you forgetting how Pedro bought the son cameras to spy on Camila?!

Mimi: How could I fucking forget? What kind of grandfather does that? Why are you encouraging your grandson to be a fucking peeping tom? This whole family is full of crazy people.

Bee: Ugh I swear. Dude, when her ex came to help her out even tho he was risking his life for it was so fucking sweet, especially since he knew he was risking his life to save her. And what pissed me off is how she didn't listen since she was ALSO paid to go there and meet Miguel. Honestly, she should've known better. What's your take on that? We can discuss the payments with Pedro and his staff in a second.

Mimi: I'm going to HARSHLY disagree with it being sweet. Anything a abuser does is not sweet and almost always has a ulterior motive, this was simply an extreme love bombing attempt to win her back over after attempting to save her life. He used to beat her, there's nothing redeeming about a abuser. I get why she went, she probably thought it's a chance at money and to find out the truth, but that doesn't make it any better.

Bee: Fair, fair. I can see where you're coming. Though, the way he was killed? Ouch. Dude, when Camila and Inti when to meet Pedro for whatever reason and he told them about him having cancer. I don't know why, but that made me happy? Like, I was legit like /fuck yeah he's dying soon/. But dude, I got so mad when Angela refused to listen to Camila when she came to see her and tell her the whole truth. Like I honestly, get it's because your husband cheated on you with her but you're not any better?! Ugh and when she "killed" Camila, and she calls Miguel?! What a fucking psycho. - Moving on, I don't know why I was happy finding out Camila wasn't actually dead and that Miguel let her stay at an empty, unused, old house. - Though the way they were in the car on the way to the police station where he wanted her to confess and she forces him to crash the car? That made me so MAD. Says a lot about Angela. Anyways, when they have the funeral for Miguel and all, she finally thinks she got "rid" of them both. The night Angela goes to bed, she sees Camila walking up to her room, she thought she was dreaming so she grabbed a gun before Miguel eventually shows up. Camila spills Pedro's plans and how he had cancer - Angela aims to shoot for Camila though she shoots her father which led to both Miguel and Camila falling out the window fracturing their bones. At the end of the episode, we see Camila finally reuniting with her mom as she hired a lawyer to release her out of jail and how she's living a happy life with David.

**Mimi takes a long sigh**

Mimi: Angela frustrated me a lot, I wish she would've listened to the full story. I knew Camilla wouldn't actually be dead. No way they were gonna kill her off that way. Angela really turned out to be the villain here, huh? Crashing the car because she didn't wanna confess This show was INSANE. But, I got a bit lost and not as interested at the end so for that, I'm going to have to rate it a 7/10. I would recommend it to others but I'd warn them about the ending.

Bee: Mhm, yeah. I’ll give it an 8/10. I’ve seen worse, I liked the plot personally, there was just some shit in the show that was not needed! But, I definitely recommend it to other people!

Mimi: And - on that note...let's move on to Never Have I Ever? This one should be aallooot more chill.

Bee: Mhhhmmm!!

**A short musical pause would be in between segments**

Never Have I Ever

Mimi: Now, we're finally done with our crazy shows and can take it down a notch. This show is one I was really excited about, especially with being Asian. If you watch the show we know that Devi is South Asian, Indian and I'm East Asian from Japan, but a lot of the themes and the social culture I can heavily relate to. The plot of the show is ''After a traumatic year, a first-generation Indian-American teenager wants to improve her status at school, but friends, family, and feelings don't make it easy on her.'' This is actually the last season of the show, which I'm sad and happy about. I love the show, but I APPRECIATE when they aren't dragged along because they can be. So - let's dive in?

Bee: Let's dive in!! This one can be watched anywhere, so no warnings or anything .. but.. make sure to have tissues with you yeah? Towards the end of every season I be sobbing!!

Mimi: This show really brings the emotions out, it's like we've been watching Devi grow up, and well..we have. So, our girl loses her virginity to no no other but.......BEN. Which was a awkward. So, I have to ask, Bee since it's on topic. When did you lose YOUR virginity?

*Mimi would laugh a bit behind her mic**

Bee: Oh my god.. lemme not expose myself, but I definitely did lose it in highschool. I think I'm better off not saying the exact age..sorry MOM!

Mimi: COP OUT. Anyways - I lost mine at 19, pretty late compared to most, but I grew up in a household similar to our main character Devi here, boys were a HELL NO. I was surprised that she would even let her have boys in her room in the earlier seasons to study. So, Devi and Ben have super awkward sex and then he begins to date Margot, Devi is obviously super effected by this and let's it all out to her therapist leading to her getting ''Stupid Bitch'' spray painted on her car, of course she suspects Margot. I would. Teenage girls can be nasty.

Bee: Gurl, the way Ben asked if she wanted him to book her an uber after their sex session, that was..yeah! Anyhoo, Margot deserved being "blamed", if I'm being completely honest. She was a bitch after all, I never liked her and never will. Though the way her mom made Devi ride the car to school with that spray painted on her car was kind of sad? But I see why she did it. Poor Devi.

Mimi: in episode two the whole mystery is getting more intense, Devi was like super convinced that Margot did it and realizes that her alibi was a lie. But then - the school ''hunk'' Ethan writes something and she recognizes the writing and he swiftly admits he painted the wrong car. And this is when - he realizes he kind of has a thing for her. Honestly? I didn't trust this guy the moment I saw him. He seems like a player and like he'd ruin our poor Devi's life, I also was a bit confused on why Margot lied if she didn't do it?

Bee: Ugh right?! I fucking hate bad boys, they trigger the fuck out of me. Like, I cannot explain it..but ugh yeah. Also when the principal didn't believe Devi about Ethan being the one who did it was kind of fucked especially since she had proof that time. But you know what was good? When he helped her clean the car. But can we /please/ talk about how he kissed her best friend then kisses her, I was like sooo ready to beat him up, helloooo??

Mimi: What can you expect from a high school boy? BUT, I'll give him a LITTLE credit, when Eleanor gave her the go ahead to pursue him, as far as we know, he was faithful, right? Let's get into her Princeton screw up...oh god. Devi can be very...pushy and combative, but hey it's why we love her. But, this initially almost bombed her chances of speaking to Akshara. I liked Ethan for a bit at this moment when he came to the table to try to help Devi, but then he steals the ladies fucking wallet?

Bee: Ugh I was so mad when he stole it?! Like what did you do that for, what the fuck!! Hey at least Devi was /brave/ and returned it to her whilst also explaining her situation.

Mimi: Atleast she realized he was bad for her and DUMPED his ass, that's something old Devi wouldn't done. We love character growth! So - let's move on, how about Fabiola submitting that application behind Devi's back? What are your opinions on that?

**Mimi sucks her teeth in disapproval**

Bee: Honestly? Good for Fabiola. I get they're best friends? But like, she was looking out for herself. I get that Fabiola wasn't too proud of applying because her mom made her. Although, Devi does tend to overreact, y'know?

Mimi: I agree, good on her for applying, but, also I feel like if you can't tell your friends something like then maybe you shouldn't be friends, you know? Fabiola needs to grow a pair, I like the character, but she's always been such a pushover, it can be a bit frustrating to watch. She even took it as far as to go on the trip and skate around the fact that she applied to Princeton.Both of them are wrong for that in my opinion. It's one thing to just not say it, but eh she was really doing the most to lie. A bit after she found out, she handled it well and recognized that she doesn't own Princeton and that anyone can apply. I know Devi had her mind set on Princeton, but can we talk about how STUPID it was to apply to only Ivy Leagues? And then to lie to her mother saying she got accepted to them all, but I know that pressure, so I can relate to that.

Bee: Oh my god, Mimi!! When she lied about getting accepted to them all and then her mom told the principal who THEN told the whole school stressed me out. I was like..oh no.. this is going to shit. But then again? Devi was in the fault for blaming her mom about being "negative", don't you think?

Mimi: I wouldn't say at ''fault''. I get it, she wants to live up to these extremely high standards she set for herself and make her mom and her father proud of her. It's a complicated, gentle situation. Anddd - we got the return of Paxton! Who in my opinion looks way too old to play a high schooler, he practically has wrinkles but who am I to talk....anyways....he leaves his college early and comes back to work at the school, and even has a party....which, I'm not sure how that'd fly. He's faculty and that was completely wrong, Ms. Thompson was right in telling him that he needs to grow up.

Bee: Right? He had every right to tell the students no but he chose not to, I'm unsure why. We can also talk about how he accidentally locked himself with Devi in the supply room and then talked before kissing?! That was /gross/, he got a warning for it which was deserved.

Mimi: He deserved a full blown suspension. He shouldn't have went easy on him just because of his history there. He's an adult now, and an employee, he needs to get his act together. Let's talk about how self-less Devi has become though, she was genuinely happy for Fab for her acceptance and she even made up with Margot so her mom can date her dad. Let's fast forward a bit to the end during the wedding. All of her friends get to attend, and then...BEN SHOWS UP. He came all the way back just to tell her he loved her and wanted to be with her, and not gonna lie I squealed like a fan girl, I never knew I liked them together as much as I did. And the series ends with a beautiful montage of everyone living their best lives and that was genuinely the first finale I did NOT cry at. I did have a big cheesy smile on my face though. It felt good to see everything work out for everyone.

Bee: Broo, when Ben was with his friends and he flew all the way over to see her I was so fucking excited. I always saw them being together. They make a cute couple in my opinion - can we also talk about her cousin covered for her, we stan her!! And yeah same, this season I did not cry because it was a happy ending but the other seasons?! I fucking cried. Anyhoooo!! I rate this show 10/10, definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to watch something!!

Mimi: I'm gonna go ahead and give this one a 10/10 too. I loved all the seasons and I loved the ending. Thank you guys for tuning in with us for this very long one. Catch us tomorrow for that advice column. IT'S JUICY.

Together: Bye!

**The outro music would began to play as their voices fade**


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