There are certain self-care habits I have developed over time that have helped me to overcome my mental health struggles, and keep me feeling like myself.
I have come to the realization that I must prioritize taking care of myself every day, otherwise I just can't function properly. I am a human being who has basic needs and routines. If those needs and routines aren't met or kept, then things can quite quickly slip out of place, resulting in feeling mentally and physically drained.
Putting myself first, making routine a priority, and practicing regular self-care habits has honestly kept my sanity.
So if you're realizing that you're not taking care of yourself like you should, hopefully some of these habits and tips will give you ideas for what you can start doing each day to show yourself some well-deserved love.
Sleep is one the biggest things that people neglect today, but it has one of the biggest impacts on how we feel, physically and mentally. Not enough sleep can really ruin your day, leaving you feeling groggy and unmotivated. I know that if I don't get a good night's sleep, I just can't function properly the next day.
It's important to notice when you're feeling tired and run-down, and listen to your body by getting some decent rest.
I absolutely love treating myself to an at-home pamper session. I try to do this most days because it leaves me feeling fresh and ready for the day. This can look different for everyone, but mine looks something like a bubble bath, a good read and products that smell amazing after I get out.
I make it a top priority to get outdoors first thing in the morning. Because I work from home, I can become a little bit of a hermit crab. It's therefore so important that I get outdoors and breathe in some fresh air. Take yourself on a walk, be it around your neighbor, a trail or the beach. My favorite areas are out of the city, less people and more sky views. Chumash, Paleto and Sandy are some of my favorites to find a nice walking trail.
Food has a very special place in my heart, especially my Mother's recipes. I love cooking and, of course, I love to eat. And I don't know about you, but if I am feeling sensitive, or have had a bad day, I will often crave a certain type of food. My personal top comfort food is Miso Soup, it reminds me of my childhood and can always bring a smile to my face, even if it's just for the meal. Find a dish that makes you smile and make it, or order it if you're not up for that.
Music is a huge part of my life. Blasting music in my apartment after a hard day can really make my mood go up. It's my way of processing emotions and expressing them, while switching my brain off from the world.
Self-care isn't something that I will only do on the odd occasion, or when I'm feeling low. Self-care is something I push myself to practice every day, to maintain good mental health. The more confident I feel in myself, the more sure I feel of who I am, what I'm doing and why. Take care of yourselves.
-Mimi ❤️