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Advice Column Week 4: Tattoos & Long Distance Relationships.

Writer: MimiMimi

**All questions would be read by Bee as well as the intro.**

**A transcript and audio version would be published**

**Bee would speak in a light New York accent.

Mimi would have a soft toned voice with a audible Japanese Accent.

Elle's voice has a valley girl tone and preppiness.**

Bee: We are back again with week four of the column! This one is pretty short compared to the others, and we're still down a member, but let's get into it!

Remember - Names will be redacted or changed!


''I have been happily married for the past three years. Because of our work, we have to live miles apart and it's being very challenging. There's an eight hour time difference and this really impacts our moods. Our conversations are going stale, and not seeing each other in person isn't really working for me. There's been some moments of temptation, but I have never given in. I am compromised. It looks like we will be apart for a long time and I am conflicted about what should I do.''

Mimi: Hm, okay. I'm sorry that you're experiencing these struggles, long distance can be tricky and hard on a relationship. You have to find ways to keep the relationship from going stale. There's plenty of things you can do over the phone or video call. If either of you are into games, even if you aren't there's some out there that would be a good bonding experience. When you both have time in your schedules, try to free up a time where you can video call every once in a while and update each other about what's going on in your lives. For intimacy, spice it up a bit, send some photos and videos back and fourth so that you still get to see parts of one another and have that lust that doesn't want to make you step out. If this doesn't fix those temptations maybe it's time to talk about ending this.

Elle: I am so sorry that you are going through this! But, everything happens for a reason! Honestly? If you're having temptations and it's not even doing it for you, anymore, I would say it's time to move on, honey. You should end the relationship on a high note where you both can still be friends before you do something you'll regret and it turns sour. Everything happens for a reason, and maybe this is life telling you that you've learned from that relationship, but it's just time to move on. You deserve happiness and not to be tied down to a relationship that isn't present in your life!

Bee: Hellooo, long distance relationships can be very challeging and it's quite understandable that you're feeling conflicted about the situation. Honestly, what you can do is focus on what you want and see how it affects your mental health and happiness. If you're unhappy in your situation and have talked to your partner and they've done nothing about it, I'd honestly just go about ending the relationship but I mean.. you do you boo..


''I’ve been living with my boyfriend for a month or more now, and I got his name tattooed on me… He has a kid who loves me and I take care of him a lot, I even do I guess mom duties when he isn’t around. He told me he loved me and we are getting extremely serious, obviously. I have random insecure doubts though, he hasn’t done anything wrong and is nothing, but honest with me. But, idk. I’m worried things will change. Like, why doesn’t he get my name tattooed as well or even put a ring on my finger if he does love me?''

Mimi: Doubts are always normal. You can obviously talk to him, but if nothing has happened, there probably isn't much to actually say. I don't know how long you've actually been together, but if you're only living together for a month it's okay to take it a bit slower, wait to see how things are long term. Actions speak louder than a tattoo in my opinion, if he's treating you good, that's all that matters. Let that come on it's own!

Elle: Oh my god, like permanent ink on YOUR skin?! No shade! But, I'm a little scared for you, girly. What if you guys like break up?! Sorry... That's SO negative, I mean like you should just ask him!? If he's super serious about you like you obviously are for him than it shouldn't be an issue. I'd think he'd be willing to reciprocate the gesture if it shows just how much he loves you! And, if he doesn't want to? Than that's totally a red flag and you should make him explain why he doesn't. Or, go through his phone. Anyway, good luck!

**Some laughter would be heard**

Bee: Having doubts and concerns is totally normal after you’ve committed to something like a tattoo - I’d honestly just say either have a talk with him and tell him about your concerns and if you do not wanna do that then just give it time as it’s only been a couple of months. To be really honest, actions speak louder than tattoos and rings, while they can symbolize commitments but they’re not the only thing that describe love for one another. I’d keep an eye out for his actions such as his consistency, reliability and supportiveness. I’d take those into account before having any doubts!!

Bee: Thanks for tuning into our advice column number FOUR!! Be sure to submit some questions for us to give you advice on!

**The girls would all say bye together**

Need advice? You can submit HERE.

See you next time!

- 50 Shades Of Pink


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