**All questions would be read by Bee as well as the intro.**
**A transcript and audio version would be published**
**Bee would speak in a light New York accent.
Mimi would have a soft toned voice with a audible Japanese Accent.
Elle's voice has a valley girl tone and preppiness.**
Bee: Hiii, we’re back with our week 3 advice column. We’re only 3 today since Lina’s feeling sick - This one’s a bit longer but quite /WILD/, grab yourself some snacks and have fun!!
Remember - Names will be redacted or changed!
''I been trying to find love in Los Santos for the longest it's like I meet a girl we start off great then I never see her again. How do I find a lady that is crazy over me?''
Mimi: Thank you for your submission and I'm sorry that you're having these issues. That's sadly just how dating can be nowadays, a lot of emotionally immature individuals who don't know when to cut a fling off and resort to ghosting. I know it's hard, but it's probably not you if you're starting off the dates /great/. Try not to take it personally and keep your head out there. Don't go looking for love, it'll come to you when you're genuinely least expecting it.
Elle: I don’t think that you can really find the right crazy girl! They just come along. If you’re forcing like wayyy to hard to find someone then it’ll never happen! Maybe, just chill out, hang out with friends, go about your life and see who comes along! Than maybe that way you will get someone crazy about you!
Bee: Heeyyy, so finding love is quite hard I agree with you, but with the right mindset and approach, you can increase your chances of finding a lover in this city who is crazy about you. LS is a big city, with many women, I'm sure there's the one for you out there. You just have to be patient, focus on yourself to know exactly what you're looking for and I'd honestly say you should expand your social circle - like, maybe start befriending both people on social media since practically everyone's on there. Make sure to be yourself when meeting the one, and also communicate with whoever you choose to go on a date with!! Most importantly, be open minded, someone who you think may not be the one for you will be your soulmate. Love is a journey that involves ups and downs, so stay patient and believe in yourself!!
''I have a girlfriend that used to date this famous person. Now that she's with me she's dating this Facebrowser influencer, or that is what people are saying. I don't know how to confront her about it and people are talking about it all over facebrowser. I just don't know what to do.''
Mimi: So sorry this is happening, dealing with rumors can be hard. There's really no way around this, if you want to be with her and want to get answers you HAVE to confront her. Sit her down and tell her you have something you want to discuss. Let her know that you are not accusing her, but that you just want to get the record straight. Accusatory tones are how a lot of arguments can start, try to be aware of that. Let her know you're not angry, just confused and allow her to explain. Make your decision from there. Gauge her reaction, you know this person best, or you should.
Elle: Uhm, what the actual fuck! If she is obviously dating someone else on facebrowser than why aren’t you saying anything AND why are you with her? That’s like a total case of her probably gaslighting you while she cheats on you. If people are saying it all over facebrowser and she’s not correcting it then that like a HUGE red flag. She’s totally playing you from what it sounds. Girls that don’t stick up for their men are poor girlfriends anyway and not wifey material. Thank you, next.
Bee: Oof, this one's a tough and nasty one. Dealing with rumors this serious is usually harmful to a relationship but it's also important to approach the situation calmly and communicate openly with her. You should gather your thoughts, take some time to reflect your feelings and concerns before having a tall with you girlfriend. You should definitely also choose the right time and place!! When you do have the talk make sure it's quite honest and be open!! Once you discuss your own concerns make sure to listen to her perspective, maybe the situation was misunderstood from the start. Also don't forget to have trust for her and make sure to respect where she stands. And once that conversation is done, you should both discuss set boundaries together, know together what you want and don't want to see your partner do, even if it's online. Most importantly though, ignore the rumors going around since they can be quite hurtful. And if that doesn't help, I'd honestly recommend seeing couples therapy for your girlfriend and yourself or just visit a therapist yourself so you can work on getting better with your mental health.
''So my boyfriend and I have been looking to spice up our love life. His idea was that we should try pegging. While I think it would be interesting as it plays with our power dynamic, I am worried that It might possibly change how I see him. He has kind of always been that rock for me and I am very much a sub in and out of the bedroom and I am just worried that it could cause damage to our relationship. How should I go about this?''
Mimi: You seem uncomfortable and with reservations to the idea, that alone in my opinion tells me this is something you should be having a deep sit down conversation about. Find out what arose the idea for him, tell him your concerns and be brutally honest about what would the worst outcomes of it could be. Maybe suggest an alternative idea that you both feel one hundred percent comfortable with. Nothing you can do in the bedroom is worth possibly changing how you see your partner in my eyes. There's plenty of ways to spice up your love life in ways that you both like, actually? Subtle, not so subtle plug, I'm doing a blog post on that this week. Look out for it!
Elle: Anyone in a sexual relationship, dating or not should be like completely comfortable before getting dirty. If you’re already thinking it’ll change how you see him, then it’s definitely going to. You just shouldn’t do it if that’s what you’re worried about. He shouldn’t be offended if you don’t wanna do something, that’s like a pretty big thing to do and a lot of couples don’t do that, so he should understand! And if you decide to do it then like, good luck with a strap on dick! I’ve always wondered if those things are firm or floppy…
**Mimi and Bee could be heard laughing at the end of Elle's advice**
Bee: Hey! Soo - explorig new aspects of your love life can be quite exciting and also challenging. When it comes to trying something like pegging, be sure to approach it with open communication and mutual understanding. If you're uncomfortable, I'd honestly recommend you talk about it with your boyfriend and be completely honest about it. And once you have that conversation and still decide to try it I'd honestly say to take it slow and maintain open communication during and after the experience.
''So over the past few months I have been dating one of the most sophisticated men I have ever met and we are very much in love. He is a 6'4 and built like a viking, but he is gentle with me and really supportive. He treats me like a princess and he is really wealthy in other words he is the total package. However every time I ask him what he does for a living or where he gets his money from he insists on changing the subject. So I got a little curious and I did some digging cause like you know.. I thought he might have a secret life of crime or something. So after doing some digging it turns out that not too long ago he was a really popular gay pornstar and had a I am so shocked that I really don't know what to do with this information. I would normally just ignore it as I don't wanna judge him by his past before he met me but apparently he made most of his money off that gross subscription website that got shutdown and I am worried that he is blowing what's left of his money on me.''
Mimi: I'm gonna be brutally honest here, the money part is worrisome yes, but I think you calling it gross has some very negative connotation on the rest of your relationship. Just based off of that alone I can't see you two coming back from this. It's clear you're not a fan of it and feel some disgust behind it, which is /FINE/, not everyone has to be okay with dating a pornstar, or an ex pornstar, you should always do what's most comfortable for you. You need to tell him the truth and nothing but the truth, tell him that you did some /digging/, whatever that may be, he deserves to know that you found it as well. Let him know your genuine feelings about this, good or bad, disgust or impartial. This has the possibility of being worked out, but I don't know how likely it is, I have no idea what you saw and that can really change your image on an individual you were in love with. Good luck.
Elle: I mean shame on you for snooping girlie! Relationships are all about trust and while he should just be honest to tell you, he was probably avoiding being misjudged? Honestly, you have to trust that he’s making money someway else and not just all blowing it on you if you don’t wanna come out as a sneaky little snake. Anyway, get the bag girlie.
Bee: Oop - **Bee would take a small pause** Okayy so, looking up people's past can be quite shocking as you don't know what their past may hold and will raise your concerns. Take some time to process what you just found out and consider what's most important to you in a relationship. You should honestly evaluate whether this information changes your feelings or level of trust in the relationship. You should then have an open communication with him and tell him how you feel and make sure to listen to his side of the story. And if you feel that you don't want him to blow up all his savings on you then you should definitely tell him about it. Good luck babe!!
''What makes the strongest relationship stable?''
Mimi: This really depends on your relationship dynamic. Everyone is different and we all have different things that we personally need to be stable in our love life. For some it could mean open communication, mutual respect, good and frequent intimacy, trust and such. I really can't tell you what would make your relationship stable or anyone else. This is something you have to discuss in the beginning and throughout your relationships as things evolve to get what you need out of it.
Elle: That really depends on the relationship? Obviously, like trust, being your best friend, uhm… Buying you nice things! Tall… Handsome…. If you’re any of these things and you’re reading please text me, I need a boyfriend.
Bee: Oooh, this one's a good one. So, to make this happen you'll need to make sure both you and your partner have open communication, which means you both respect and listen to each other. Have trust in your partner, trust is quite important because if you don't have that then you have nothing. Make sure to spend quality time with your partner, it can create lasting memories if you do this on the daily. Also!! If you have an argument please don't leave, try and solve it out together like adultssss. Never forget to keep having personal growth with your partner, it's never too late to make change.
''Love watching my spouse with another man, is that too weird?''
Mimi: I'm never one to call anything /weird/, as long as it's not harmful and consenting. If you're questioning it maybe you have some doubts due to societal pressure and expectations of monogamy. I guess it's not for everyone, that's okay as long as you're upfront and honest about it. As mentioned earlier, CONSENT. Do not force a partner to do this, if they say they aren't interested, leave it at that. I've heard a lot of horror stories on people getting their partners into this when they don't want to, and then when they enjoy it? SHIT SHOW. But, based on this wording it seems you've already explored this, which is fine. Just make sure to discuss your feelings and keep boundaries in place for it. Yes, even this needs boundaries.
Elle: I mean, if you’re into it girlie than no? Not my thing, but period go off.
Bee: Hellloo, so just know that every relationship is unique so what others may think is weird would not be at all for you and your partner. I'd honestly say this isn't good or bad as long as it's not forced upon the other person. You should talk with your spouse and see what their opinion is on the matter and make sure to discuss boundaries together.
Bee: Thanks for listening to our Advice Column Week THREE!! Be sure to submit some questions for us to give you advice on, let's keep this going! Tune in next time!
**The girls would all say bye together**
Need advice? You can submit HERE.
See you next time!
- 50 Shades Of Pink