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Advice Column Week 2: Love Squares, Anal Complications and Sexuality.

Writer: MimiMimi

**All questions would be read by Bee as well as the intro.**

**A transcript and audio version would be published**

**Bee would speak in a light New York accent.

Mimi would have a soft toned voice with a audible Japanese Accent.

Lina and Elle's voices may be hard to decipher without the transcript due to the similar valley girl tone and preppiness.**

Bee: Helllooo, welcome back to our week 2 Advice Column. This is our third column!! Buckle up bitches because this one's wild!!

Remember - Names will be redacted or changed!


''So I've been trying to get myself back in the dating scene again after going through something personal. Thing is, I'm being hit up by three different dudes and all of them a good friends of mine. And two out of three of them know each other. This is unexpected; I'm conflicted and not even sure who I want to date in a long term potentially leading to a relationship. Any advice?''

Mimi: Thank you for submitting! This is a tough one..I think you should be straight forward with them about the fact that they're all pursuing you if they don't already know, with you all being friends you don't want to unintentionally cause any conflict. Be honest about the situation and be open. Dating in the beginning is about having options and seeing what you're into, give them all a chance if they're all viable suitors, see which one you like most and who you vibe with. Try to keep things casual, avoid hook-ups.

Elle: Honestly, if they're all three good friends of yours, I think that you should way out how like... Serious it could? If you end up giving all three of them chances and taking them on dates, all of that, you're going to end up losing friends, girly. Is it worth it really to jump into a relationship with one of your closest guy besties when you aren't even certain you want to date them long term? I think you need to give yourself more time on this... Maybe, date people outside your friends only! I'd hate for you to like lose people who may be like a brother to you!

Lina: Honestly? Good for you, being all desirable, omigod, I wish. Literally pick who you think is the hottest and go on a date with him! There's no shame in dating around, and if they all happen to be in the same friend group, who cares? If shit doesn't work out with the first guy, maybe it'd be better with the second? It's no one's business but your own what you do and who you go on dates with so like.. if shit doesn't go to plan? Oh well! It might make things awkward but if he can't get over that, that's not your problem.

Mimi: What Elle said is also a real possibility, It's good to give everyone a chance, but at the same time - you could end up losing a lot of good friends in the process, if you REALLY like one of them though, it could be worth a chance, but if you aren't sure, or kinda like them, maybe pass.

Bee: Heellllooo, okay so, this one’s a bit more complicated and challenging. But, what I can say is that you should give yourself time to decide which one of them will lead to a potential long term relationship, it also takes time to see who you will have feelings for. I’d also say you’ll need to understand your feelings so you can then decide which one to go for, y’know? Honestly? I’d say try sitting them down and talking to them about it, the key to something healthy is communication!! Then hang out with them individually before assessing your compatibility with them, eventually you’ll find which one is the ONE for you!! But also remember, there is no rush to make a decision. It's important to prioritize your own happiness and well-being in this process.


''My boyfriend wanted to try anal but I was really nervous so we tried numb the area up a little with some cocaine. It must have been rough but I didn’t realize because the area was numb. There is swelling the whole way down my taint and my butthole has turned gray. Is this normal and will it go away on its own?''

**As soon as the question is read laughter immediately erupts from all of the girls, taking them a few moments to get it together.**

**There would be a brief pause and cut after the question is read**

Mimi: Oh my GOD? I hope you feel better by now, since this was submitted like on Friday!? Please always be careful with Anal, you can do real damage if you aren't prepared. Make sure to use lube and some of those training kits to prep yourself. Please see a doctor if you haven't and are still in pain!

Elle: Uhm... Excuse my language. But, bitch what?! In all respect, girlie pop why the hell are you asking us?! We are NOT medical professionals and you need to go to the emergency room like ASAP. That's super serious and also I don't do hard drugs. You're going to end up with like sores all over your face and coochie. Get well soon, bestie!

**Another bout of laughter erupts after Elle's words**

Lina: Uhm.. I don't know what to say to this.. I'm not a doctor but I don't think it's supposed to turn gray!? GO SEE A DOCTOR.

Bee: Hey..So, using substances such as cocaine is highly discouraged and dangerous when it comes to your health and well-being in any intimate activity, I’d honestly use lube instead it wouldn’t make the area numb but it’d be a lot easier y’know? And for the swelling I’d honestly say go see a doctor, they’ll help you and let you know whether it’ll go away on its own or not.

Mimi: In conclusion, PLEASE see a doctor, if you do though - maybe update us?

**A few snorts and giggles could be heard in the background**


''I feel horrible but I think I might be gay or like at least like girls… how do I tell my boyfriend or do I even tell him?''

Mimi: He deserves to know what you're thinking. Maybe don't use the word ''gay'' until you're certain it's strictly girls. Bisexuality is always a possibility, tell him you're having some feelings towards women and see how it goes from there. Maybe you two can come to a mutual consenting agreement of how to proceed so you can explore that.

Elle: I think everyone deserves the honest truth in a relationship. If he truly loves or cares for you, then he will respect that you've come out to him and not carried to slug him around with you! Nothing is wrong with embracing your truth and showing who you truly are! I'd like... Sit him down with his favorite meal, maybe some wine to chill stuff out! Then, like let him know you both need to have a very serious conversation and just speak from the heart! You'll feel extremely comfortable and like a weight is off your shoulders by giving him closure, promise... Gay slay!

Lina: You need to tell him a hundred percent. If you still have feelings for him and you still love him, that's one thing. He should respect your decision, whatever decision you make,, and let it be that. There's no shame in figuring out who you are, just make sure to let him know that when you tell him, you tell him how much he meant to you and that you're glad you had him by your side through it all. Make him feel valued too in your moment so that way he understands that you still care about him and that this is about YOU and not him. Hell, it could even open some doors, too, if you like.. are into uhm.. other stuff, and it could strengthen your relationship if anything! Either way like.. you DO need to tell him, especially if it's taking a toll on you and your relationship. We stan healthy relationships! Good luck, girlie, love you! Mwah!

Bee: Hey babeeesss, so, discovering and understanding your sexual orientation can be very personal and sometimes a bit challenging. I think it’s important that you put yourself first and prioritize your feelings. I’d suggest taking some time to explore your feelings, thoughts and attractions and 100% true to yourself. Once you’ve done that, you’ll have to have an open and truthful conversation with your boyfriend when you’re ready!! Just remember there’s no right OR wrong when it comes to your sexual orientation, take the time you need anddddd surround yourself with supportive individuals.

Bee: Thanks for listening to our Advice Column Week Two!! Make sure to submit some questions for us to give you advice on. See you next time!

**The girls would all say bye together, although Lina and Elle may overpower Bee and Mimi's voices.**

Need advice? You can submit HERE.

See you next time!

- 50 Shades Of Pink


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