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Advice Column Week 1: Slut shaming, Boyfriend drama and when to put out!? OH MY.

Writer: MimiMimi

Updated: Jun 22, 2023

**All questions would be read by Bee as well as the intro.**

**A transcript and audio version would be published**

**Bee would speak in a light New York accent.

Mimi would have a soft toned voice with a audible Japanese Accent.

Lina and Elle's voices may be hard to decipher without the transcript due to the similar valley girl tone and preppiness.**

We're so excited to give you guys our very first advice column! We will be answering these weekly and compiling them into one post for you guys!

Remember - Names will be redacted or changed!


''There is some stupid b*tch who called me a wh*re to my now, boyfriend and some of his friends. I don't want to cause drama, but it really pisses me off that she feels like she knows me based off the way I dress. It's 2023 and girls should embrace their bodies. She's also a bible humping hypocritical wh*re. How should I go about interacting with her? It's really hard not to act pissed off or like I hate her, but like I said I want to avoid drama, because that's not me.''

Mimi: Oh wow, this is a INTENSE first question for our advice column. But, nonetheless, we're here to help you! I'm so sorry that you're being called these names and feeling like you're being judged. it's 2023 and no one should have to go through this. As a person who also doesn't like drama, my best advice would be to completely ignore this girl if you can, you didn't mention your relationship with her, if you have to be around her a lot I'm aware this can make things a lot harder. If she's saying this stuff to your boyfriend and/or close friends maybe you can ask them to step in and defend you a bit, people feed off of entertainment, if she notices other people aren't down with it maybe it'll come to a halt. Ignore her for the most part, but stay cordial, give her a small smile at the most, show her that you're above her antics and drama, most of the time they get bored if you aren't going along with it! Good luck babes.

Elle: Honestly? That's so tragic for her. It sounds like this girly pop is pure jealousy! You're SO right, girls, men, whatever they identify should be able to wear whatever they like. I mean, look at Paris Hilton she wouldn't of gotten anywhere wearing a nun outfit her whole career? I think that you should play it cool and totally keep doing you. Wear whatever you want and embrace that shit! Maybe, she's like scared her man is checking you out? Just be all over your man in some tight ass dress and flaunt it!

Lina: Okay, so like, here's what I would do, girlie! This is Lina by the way, IDK if we're saying who it is saying their advice or not but like anyways! I digress! Ooh, look at me using big words! ANYWAY! All you really can do is be like super nice to her face and hope that she gets over her issues because her saying that to your boyfriend and friends is clearly a reflection of her own insecurities and that's totes not cool :( If you wanna avoid drama? The only thing you can do is just be nice to her unfortunately, even if it kills you a little on the inside. If THAT doesn't work and she still wants to act like a little bitch, just start ignoring her, honestly. It's not your problem that she can't get over how totally hot you are and she's clearly just reflecting her own issues onto you. Let her know that you don't give a fuck what she thinks by doing what us girlies do best, giving her the fucking silent treatment. Even if she talks to you? Just flip your hair over your shoulder and walk away, give her the up and down look from tip to toe and raise a questioning eyebrow. That's what I would do if someone I thought was MY friend called me a whore to my boyfriend and my other friends because again, that's super not hot of her. That's my uhm.. what's the saying? Is it two cents? I don't know.. Anyways, have a good day, love you, mwah!

Bee: Oh emm geee!!! This girl who called you names must be soooo jealous of you!! If she's going behind your back to talk to your boyfriend and some of his friends to say that about her says A LOT about her personality. Regardless, you should not feel judged because after all it is 2023! I would honestly say either ignore her if you can or if you really wanna bring it up, you can always confront her. If your boyfriend is friends with her? Then I'd say tell him to defend you!!


''My sister really dislikes my boyfriend. I don't know why, because he's never done anything truly bad other than she thinks he is a player. Him and I are getting pretty serious now, and I can tell it annoys her + she doesn't truly accept our relationship. Her husband and my boyfriend are close friends, so I'm with them in a group constantly. Any advice?''

Mimi: Hi babe! Thank you for submitting and we're so sorry about your situation! You could sit down with her, and ask her calmly to tell you why she doesn't like him. She could have some good reasons and sees things that you don't. Sometimes when we're in relationships we can often be blinded by the love and affection we feel for that person. If there is no real reason, at the end of the day it's your relationship. She wouldn't choose him for herself, and that's great because he's your boyfriend. If you're happy and he treats you well, enjoy it. Don't possibly miss out on the love of your life because of what others have to say.

Elle: My brother is soooo like this. He totally hates ANY guy I date, and like for what? No reason! You should hear her out and all cause if is your fam, block is thicker than anything. BUT, it’s your life and if you’re happy then who cares? I doubt that her husband would be friends with some loser, does her husband have anything to say for his friend? Like, Mimi said if he treats you like a queen that you are then, enjoy it. You’re young! I assume….

Lina: Ugh, I totes understand how you feel! But honestly, your family is like.. not the end all be all, you know? She's probably jealous that you bagged a ten and her boyfriend is a butterface four, so like.. who's the real winner here!? Otherwise like.. all you can do is ignore her, because there's no point in starting a fight, knowing how sisters all, it'll become an entire family ordeal that you really just do NOT want happening. I think once things become super serious like.. a proposal happens, it'll be better, but otherwise there's nothing you can really do. Just sit down and talk with her and tell her that what she's saying is hurting your feelings, it's none of her business who you choose to date and engage with, and leave it at that.

Bee: Hey! Me personlly, I would sit down with her for a coffee or a drink or something and try to talk to her about it. Maybe she knows something you don't. And honestly, if your boyfriend did have a past for being a player you should also have a talk with him and see where /he/ stands in this relationship.


''When is the right time to f*ck my man? I've been holding out on him with only giving oral, because I wanna make sure he is 100% serious about us.''

Mimi: Thank you for your submission! I have to be honest here, this is a very hard question to ask another person. This may not be what you want to hear, but, it's truly up to you, it's your body and you have to decide when the time is right. If he wasn't serious he also could've just left after the oral sex. The best answer is honestly speak to him, tell him why you're holding out and your concerns. If he's into you, he'll understand and reassure you and NEVER pressure you.

Elle: I think you should just go to town when you feel like it. Men totally suck if they’re just around for a quick fuck, but girls have needs too?? If you’re ready to get dirty and he isn’t giving off total fuck boy vibes, then jump on it, girly! Turn on some Megan Thee Stallion and get into bad bitch mode!

Lina: GIRL! You have more strength than a Marine holding out on your man that long, Jesus Christ!! I don't really think you should think that hard about it, if you feel like it's the right time, then it is! You're already almost there with oral, so like.. what's the hold up, girlie pop? Just be safe when you do it because you never know what he could have, but honestly sex with people isn't anything to be afraid of! Own your sexuality and your body, cut loose and just enjoy it with him! It's not like you don't know what he's packing, either, so like.. what are you afraid of? Get to it, girlie!

Bee: Hmm, honestly? I wouldn't say there's a right time, you just have to pay attention on the vibe you both have. My suggestion though, I'd say you can sit down with him and talk to him to see where guys are at.

Thank you guys for tuning in with us for our first advice column! This was a wild one! Need advice? You can submit HERE.

See you next time!

- 50 Shades Of Pink


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