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Advice Column Week 1 #2: Christian Values, Bigotry, Hospital Romance and Fuck-boys.

Writer: MimiMimi

**All questions would be read by Bee as well as the intro.**

**A transcript and audio version would be published**

**Bee would speak in a light New York accent.

Mimi would have a soft toned voice with a audible Japanese Accent.

Lina and Elle's voices may be hard to decipher without the transcript due to the similar valley girl tone and preppiness.**

Bee: Anddd, we're back again with our SECOND advice column. Strap yourselves IN for this one.

Remember - Names will be redacted or changed!


''For context, my boyfriend and I are both Christian, he’s a little bit less “traditional” than me though. Anyways, I’m choosing to follow my faith and be abstinent until I get married. He said he’s okay with this, but he works in a very public profession with lots of women around and I worry he might get bored of me bc I don’t wanna have sex with him yet and then date one of the girls around him. Is there a good middle ground to keep him interested? What do I do?''

Mimi: Hi! In my opinion? If he says he's okay with it, you just kind of have to believe him. You have to trust that you picked a good man that will stay loyal to you. It seems your faith is important to you, I'm not sure if there's any ''loopholes'' that you can follow, but if so, those are on the table - like oral sex or hand-jobs. If you're completely not okay with these, which are fine then you can spice your relationship up in other ways to keep him interested, frequent outings, spending time together doing things you both enjoy, cooking meals together. intimacy is more than just sex. He got with you knowing that these were your values, if he respects you he will not pressure you into anything. Goodluck babe, and if he hurts you, DM us his name.

Elle: Girly! You are a better Christian than I am, PRAISE THE LORD. Anyways... This is totally YOUR choice! If you are following your traditional faith and feel like this is right for YOU. Then, there is no middle ground. You need to stand strong for what you believe in and don't give into negative thoughts. Also, if you trust him with your whole heart, than other girls should never be an issue. A true man would never cheat on his girl or leave her JUST because of some sex. He needs to respect your wishes and you guys will have some bombastic sexy time when you finally hit that honeymoon!

Lina: Okay, so like.. honestly? I've never really been one to read into the religion stuff because to be frank, I don't believe in that but like you do you, this is a judgement free zone girlie pop! But, I did grow up in Vegas and I knew a lot of the girls I went to school with would do anal with their boyfriends instead of full on sex because it by definition or something wasn't like.. going all the way? I'm not really sure that's the answer you're looking for, though. In all honesty, I really think you just need to trust your mans because if he's saying he's willing to wait for you, then that's good! It might hurt if he does end up cheating on you but I think you'd rather let go of a man that isn't true to what you want instead of rushing into something just for the sake of getting it on, you know? Anyways, good luck with this babes, if I were you, I'd let him in the back door but I'm not a Jesus girlie soo.. good luck! Mwah!

**Laughter would erupt from the girls as Lina says her last sentence**


**The laughter would eventually come to a halt before Bee begins to speak.**

Bee: Hey babe! Honestly? I wouldn't really be worried if he's okay with waiting until marriage. The biggest key to this is trusting him and and having deeper conversations with him. Shares your thoughts and concerns with him. But remember, the biggest key to this working is trusting him. You can always looks at different alternatives and fun activities to do with him, such as camping, going on picnics and all that stuff.


''So, basically I'm a 22 year old guy from New York. I'm really into videography and often record in the public, I'm not from around San Andreas so I like to capture everything on my cellphone. I was out recording in Rockford not too long ago, this week.. it was kinda opposite the Perseus nightclub. I saw some dude approach me, I was honest with him and judged his outfit as it looked ugly, I then suggested he bought a new one. He started throwing insults at me, even to the extent of calling me a f*ggot openly.. I'm not even gay, he even began threatening to hurt me over it, this was a grown man by the way!! Ever since then, he's been harassing me and my friends begging for me to owe him an apology.. can I get some advice and thoughts on this matter? I'm not scared of him or anything.''

Mimi: Okay - this is an interesting one! If by ''I was honest with him'' you meant you gave the advice unsolicited, that's not okay to be completely honest here. Now, if he was being an asshole prior and then you gave him a taste of his own medicine, fair game. Regardless, calling you slurs is not okay and threatening to hurt you. If I were you? I would've used my recording and went straight to the police, sounds like a dangerous person to me. If he didn't respond in the manner he did I would say maybe a apology is warranted, but due to that, no. Keep your distance, be safe and report him to the proper authorities if you have to.

Elle: Ew, this is like SO gross. A whole grown man acting like a literal child?! Who even says the F Slur nowadays?! And, during PRIDE MONTH. Oh, no honey... It screams insecure. Honestly, he should be thankful you were honest about his outfit. That's kind of real people should do. I would never let my girlies or ANY girly walk out of the house in sweat pants t-b-h. It just sounds like he was offended, when you meant clearly no harm by it. Maybe, he's like... Closet gay? Oh em gee... The tea? But, you should totally just ignore him and do you BOO BOO. No one who is homophobic deserves a apology EVER especially if he threatened to put hands on you. My brother is like a lawyer, so if you need a good lawyer. Totally hit me up, hit our dms. I'll link you.

Lina: Soo.. I'm not saying you were asking for it but um.. giving unwarranted fashion tips may not be the best way to go about talking to people in this city! Although, he took it far too personally and it's gone too far. Some respect bullshit that you macho men think you deserve but quite frankly, you owe him nothing. And tell that to his face, too. Tell him straight up that the man has done nothing to earn an apology from you and that you won't apologize to him because in your eyes, you've done nothing wrong. All you did was give him what you thought was helpful fashion advice!

Bee: Wooow..I honestly, don't know what to say about this. It's left me shocked about how people in this city can really be, and what's even more weird is that there's an old man harassing a 22 year old!! What the fuck!! This says a lot about the city and it's civilians. I think it's also really immature of an old man harassing you and your friends because he wanted an apology. I'd honestly say maybe apologize to get it over because like seriously how hard can it be to say sorry? But of course, if you do not want to apologize then avoid him at all costs!!


''So there's this nurse that I have started getting really really close with. For context, during my stay in Poland to visit my family, I had to be hospitalized for reasons. For the month that I have been in the hospital so far, I have this really attractive and super kind nurse assigned to me. From the first day (that I was fully conscious), we vibed immediately. We always talk about different things, he's just right when it comes to personality, lots of seductive eye contact, he spends time after work to hang out and talk with me for hours on end and sometimes gives me "better" treatment so to say. He did confess to me that he's gay and we kind of admitted our feelings about a week ago but he doesn't know that I live in LS (he lives in Warsaw). I remember him telling me about his long-distance ex and how it didn't go as planned but hasn't said anything explicitly about not wanting to be in a LD relationship again. I am kind of scared to ask him because it's the first time in a while that I have felt a true connection with someone and I don't want to lose it. On the other hand, my previous relationships usually didn't end that well with one of them "committing" and the other one going into substance abuse and I am not sure if I feel like going through such potential sadness again. ALSO, I am loving your content kweens, keeps me entertained while I am in the hospital.''

Mimi: First of all before I answer this, I hope that you're doing okay and recovering well! This is soooo cuuuute. But, I have to admit I wish you specified what you meant by ''better treatment'' because that sounds spicy, or maybe I'm a pervert...I dunno. Anyways! Get that hospital hunk's number and chat him up, see where it goes! Long distance can work, although that is very far, but if you guys click you never know what can come from it. Sometimes we have to go through tough times to meet the love of our life, this could be yours.

Elle: PERIOD. We LOVE YOU. Anyway... I think you should totally go for it! I'm such a strong believer in their only being one soulmate for a person in this huge ass world. It's so unlikely that they'd be in the same state as you, so could this be your ONE. Who knows? You'll never know if you don't try and if he's willing to work at it with you, then what's the harm? I think you guys could also, like feel things out? Maybe, not jump straight into a long distance relationship, but maybe vibe long distance, see if the connection is still running then take it to that step. There is so many things to do online with each other now, and you really just have to work together to spend that quality time. I wish you luck and hopefully a new love! We can't be stuck on the past or we will never move forward. Forget that ex, bitch!

Lina: Okay, wow! So, this is like.. really cute but also kind of sad! First things first, get well soon babes, much loves from me! If you two have a connection and you're both really into each other? There's nothing wrong with going on to try a long distance relationship! There are so many people who've had successful and flourishing relationships that have come out of meeting online, and who knows, it could be the best decision you've ever made! Don't let that hurt person from the past make the decisions of the present. You'll never reap the benefits of the risks you never take. GO GET THAT MAN, HONEY!!

Bee: Hey babeess! I'd honestly personally change just exchange number, talk likeee everyday and see where that takes you. I truly believe that communicating with one another is the key to maintaining a relationship, whether it's a long distance one or not. If it were me, I'd get to know them first and see if that person is for me or not. Commitment will come by itself over time because you knowwww likeee love is amazingg!! Also thanks for supporttinggg!!!

Bee: Okay, this next one is a LOT and we're gonna change the names in this one.

**As Bee begins to read she would occasionally stutter over the name changes**

**Some laughter from the other girls could be heard as a result and one of them begins to shush the others**


''I saw that someone else has had a similar problem so I felt like coming forward with my own issue. My younger sister is seeing this guy named Mike that I specifically told her to stay away from. You might think to yourself..."who your sister is dating is none of your business!!!". But let me tell you WHY I am so worried!!!!! My younger sister had a really rough past. She has a long history of dating toxic and abusive men and was even a "groupie" for the longest time. During that time, she had a drug addiction which is why I took it upon myself to send her to rehab. Everybody abandoned her during that time!!! Even our parents wanted nothing to do with her, felt ashamed of her actions and went as far as disowning her. I was the only one who's had her back and always supported her. She's recently gotten out of rehab and one of my husband's friends, Mike, took interest in her. Now Mike is known as a huge womanizer among our friend group!!! EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT MIKE IS A BIG FLIRT!!! He flirts with women and gets into relationships with them but never really loved them. He even has a baby mama who he told he loved her up until recently. He has a ONE YEAR OLD KID WITH HER!!! But as soon as he saw my sister, he started begging me for her number. As a concerned older sister, I obviously said NO! He kept begging and begging, assured me that he had broken up with his baby mama and that he wanted something serious with my sister but I did not believe it. I made a compromise with him in the end and told him to speak to my husband first. I value my husband's opinion because he's known Mike longer than I have. Even my own sister took interest in Mike but I told her to stay away from Mike because he still had a girlfriend and I was still unsure of his true intentions. WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENED NEXT??? He did NOT talk to my husband and my sister did NOT listen to me!! They were texting and hanging out behind my back. And the worst part is that I found out by pure accident. I was checking the CCTV footage of my café when I saw Mike and my sister making out in my very own business. I felt betrayed, hurt and disgusted!!! I've known Mike for a very long time. I asked him to speak to my husband and he did not! He disrespected my only request even though I was willing to give him a chance!!! And I cannot believe my sister trusts a man she's met one week ago more than her own sister who's had her back during the roughest time. Idk what to do... Am I wrong for wanting to cut her off completely?''

Mimi: WOW. Um - OKAY.**She clears her throat** I don't think you're wrong for completely wanting to cut her off, sometimes people can be beyond help. I can't judge if your sister is based off of this, but you know her. If you think it's a lost cause and that she won't listen then maybe it's time to tie up loose ends. You can always sit down and talk to her, but I know that doesn't work on everyone. If your sister is going to get hurt and you can't talk sense into her, maybe it's time to just allow it, sometimes people have to truly learn the old fashioned way, heartbreak, before they realize their mistake. If it happens be there for her and don't rub salt in the wound, and if it doesn't maybe it's time to own up and say that you were wrong and give your approval, or don't give it and stay away from them. The choice will be yours,

Elle: Oh em gee... This is like SO heavy. Gosh, this almost really hits home... *Sniffle* I'm sorry, just like. So, side story time, okay? My daddy totally kicked me out fo his house not that long ago and disowned me along with my brother! But, thankfully, I had my closest girls to take me in. So, like I totally feel connected to this story... Honestly? I think that tough love is a form of discipline. Maybe, your sister needs to figure this out on her own and get her ass burned by this man. Or, maybe this guy has truly changed his ways and he will prove you wrong... But, like t-b-h? It's TOTALLY not cool that he didn't respect your wishes and talk to your hubby! Family is SO important and like even though my daddy and brother totally kind of hate me, right now. I still love them so much, and I'd never wish for ANYONE to disown family. I think that you should sit down with this guy of your sisters and really tell him how betrayed you feel! He owes you a fucking apology if he wants in good sister graces! And, he should respect his girlfriends family! Like, Bee said if you need to distance yourself for your own mental health than TOTALLY do it. But, like don't forget your family, girl! It sounds like your sister has some issues... NO SHADE. But, like if you're her only family then maybe she actually really needs you.

Bee (low toned): Are you fucking crying?

**Someone in the background clears their throat seemingly trying to cover up the laughter approaching.**

Elle: Yes... I left all my good bags there, Bee?! It's literally a fashion crime on top of family issues!

**Some laughter could be heard before the segment continues**

Lina: Sooo.. I'm gonna keep it real with you.. this really isn't any of your business. I understand you're like concerned for your sister and that's good that you voiced your opinions on it, but if she won't listen or take your advice, there really isn't much you can do! Let her live her life and make her own mistakes because she'll learn from them once she falls on her ass and she'll come crawling back to you, screaming that she's sorry she didn't listen. It's gonna suck watching her fall like that, but it's better in the long run to let people make and learn from their own mistakes, you know? So for the time being, just enjoy life, let it go by, be nice and when the time comes, be that support system she'll need. That's the best thing you can really do as her sister, love you, mwah!

Bee: This was long.. Hey! So, it's understandable that you're feeling concerned and hurt by your sister's actions, given her past experience with toxic relationships and your efforts to trying to support her but them not working. Now, dealing with situations like this is challenging, but it's also important to approach it with empathy and understanding. Have a deeper conversation with her, tell her what you're worried about and be honest about what you're feeling. Let her know about your perspective and his past behaviors because falling in love can be blinding. But also, whatever she tells you try NOT to judge her so she can feel like this is a safe space! Also offer her some support, trust her judgements and this relationship really bothers you then you should set some boundaries for /your/ mental health because it will consume you!

Bee: Thank you guys for tuning into our second advice column! We had so much fun answering these, let's keep em' coming!

**The girls would all say bye together, although Lina and Elle may overpower Bee and Mimi's voices.**

Need advice? You can submit HERE.

See you next time!

- 50 Shades Of Pink


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