People are often curious what I do in my day when I tell them what my job is. So here's what day in the life of a full-time blogger looks like.
A day in the life of a full-time blogger looks a little different for everyone, particularly since there are so many niches when it comes to the creation of content. So, some days may look different even for myself depending on what's on our schedule. If we're doing a podcast, a review, outfit's, recipes etc.
4:30 AM - 5:30 AM
Typically, I wake up pretty early. I consider myself a morning person and I like to have as much time in my day as POSSIBLE. This day? I must admit, I woke up closer to 5:30. I was EXHAUSTED from working on the new HQ. (I may have slept in my makeup) I wake up and sit in my bed for a solid five minutes, trying to motivate myself to get up. I IMMEDIATELY make my bed to get myself in a working mindset and try to stay off of my phone.

5:45 AM
This is especially important considering I slept in my makeup, but even if you didn't, DO.THAT.SKINCARE. It doesn't have to be fancy, but wash your face, okay? My skin is on the drier side so I use a hydrating wash to start my day, wakes me and my skin right up!

6:00 AM
Coffee. Need I say more? Has to happen every morning, no if's ands, or buts. I sometimes will have some fruit, or something light at home before heading into the office just to get my brain fueled and ready to go. I try to not scroll my phone during this time. I like to pick up my favorite book which at this moment is ''Happy Place'' by Emily Henry.

6:30 AM
I sit down and check my email, social media and such. Anything pertaining to the blog really. I have this kind of weird set up on my floor with a cushion, I am usually still sipping my coffee by here. Today I had nothing super important to attend to so, this went by fast.

6:45 AM
I go and brush my teeth after eating and having my coffee. I sometimes do some whitening strips (Not today..bleh) I also will take a quick shower to refresh myself and to not stink up the HQ.

7:00 AM
I sit down at my makeup area to try to get myself together once again. (Don't judge my makeup area, I'm trusting you guys..) My makeup is pretty simple. I do my signature smoky eye and red lip.

7:30 AM
I usually finish my makeup around this time and then I get dressed. I try to look nice to start my day or it can make me feel not confident and demotivated to my daily tasks. I swear, things get done better and faster when you look good while doing them. I wore this cute blouse and skirt from H&M today

8:00 AM
I head into HQ which is luckily close to my apartment. Sometimes I'm the first there, sometimes the other girls beat me there, today I was the first, so I headed straight to my office to start working on my project for the day. I like to head in and go straight for my diffuser/incense and get something lit up to have a good smell going in the room, gets me in a good headspace. The next few hours are often spent locked in my office like a goblin trying to get some work done.

(Office tour upcoming maybe?)
11:00 AM
I try to go have some lunch, we have a awesssome kitchen upstairs at our HQ, god bless. We have everything we need to make whatever want. My meal of choice? A sub of course. Fancy. Between us? I had a coffee AND a energy drink...I know. Don't scold me. I ended up going back to my office to work for some time after this. Boring

2:30 PM
I hung out with Bee for a bit in her office, we talked about some ideas, blah blah. The usual!

4:30 PM
After a bit more work I headed into our relaxation pods to read a bit more of my book then headed home!

The rest of the night was nothing special, me and Bee went back to the apartment together, we got into some comfortable clothes, had dinner, watched TV blah blah.
I hope this gave you guys a bit more insight on what I do in a day in our new HQ. Thank you for tuning in!
-Mimi ❤️